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General Report

07-04-2013 15:53 by Graham Watts

Every day starts at 8am. That’s when we as a team come together and we talk about what everyone is going to do during the day. This is important, because everyone gets to know what the others are doing and whether they may need help. While the meeting takes place we also sing and pray for the staff members, the community and that the day will be successful.

After that everyone starts with their jobs to do. A normal day ends around 4pm. Then we try to help each other to finish the work. Besides the client comes first, so we won’t send anybody home, even if it’s time to go home.

During the week we run some projects on a regular basis. Like for example the Clinic Day every second Monday, Matthew 25 every Friday, OT (Occupational Therapist) Day once a month on Fridays etc…

We also have a big staff meeting every Friday at 1pm, where we talk about the last and the next week. We talk about possible problems we had during the week and how to solve them. We also plan the upcoming week, sing and pray and we have the chance to share some stories with the team. The stories can be about anything that happened with a client, but also from your free time.

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